Have You Seen The Queer Art School Catalog?
Here is your chance to take a good look and support Queer Art School.
Queer Art School is coming and we could not be more proud. Over a year ago six queers got together and co-created the art school we all wished we could have attended. We dreamed together, we had deep and generative conversations about what we valued, who we were doing this for, and why. We talked about tactics and tools, and we worked and worked some more on creating a curriculum and thinking about how we could make an online community a space of belonging and mutuality.
We also created a QAS Catalog for your reading and viewing pleasure; after all, we are an Art School. The two QiQis have already happened and they were fabulous. It is now too late to apply to be an Artist Fellow, but you can still support this lovely dream by donating, spreading the word, and looking at our catalog.
Enjoy the QAS catalog, once again please spread the word and remember: School Has Never Been So Queer!
Please keep supporting us by following us on Instagram and Facebook, and as always help spread the word, because the word is good. Thank you for your support.